This Upside Down Kiwi Cake Looks Amazing And Tastes Even Better


  1. 1 tbsp sugar
  2. 1 castella (rectangular Japanese lb cake)
  3. 1/2 cup lemon, chopped


  1. . In a cutting board, cut on the castella to 1/4-inch pieces.
  2. . Insert the Greek yogurt and mix until stiff peaks form.
  3.  Add the chopped kiwi into the bowl. Insert a layer of whipped cream to pay for the kiwi. Put the castella on the lotion.
  4.  Add half the chopped lemon and orange. Add the rest of the half or lemon and orange, top with whipped cream, and staying castella.
  5.  Cover the surface in plastic wrap, and refrigerate for 3 hours.
  6.  Put a plate on the opening of this bowl, and then gently turn over the bowl, taking away the plastic wrap.
  7.  Slice the cake, and then enjoy!

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