Hello! I have a dessert recipe to you Now. This one is decadent and wealthy, so look away if you're hoping to get a dessert. Once I purchased the things my very first thought was to perform a cake. I moved with a sweetened peanut butter.

The topping in this recipe tastes such as the peanut butter. Each time that I consume if I lean 18, that peanut butter do not care.

Prep Time:15 mins
Cook Time:2 hrs
Overall Time


  1. 15.25 ounce.
  2. 1 cup water
  3. 3 eggs
  4. 8 ounces. pkg.
  5. For the topping
  6. 3 Tbsp. powdered sugar
  7. 10 snack size Reese's peanut butter cups
  8. 6 quart oval
  9. Get Ingredients Powered

  1. In a big bowl blend together the cake mix, butter, water, and eggs until smooth. Some lumps are. Stir in the miniature peanut butter cups.
  2. The toaster without a stick spray. Add the batter and then distribute into an even coating.
  3. Cover and cook without even opening the lid.
  4. After the time is completed, remove to keep it.
  5. In a pan add the peanut butter. Stir until smooth and melted, because it is going to burn watch. Add the sugar and whisk until smooth.
  6. Pour on the peanut butter on the cake. Reese's peanut butter cups with cut .
  7. Drink and Revel in! Good with whipped cream or ice cream.


Should you call for a specific diet, please use your calculations.

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