Popcorn is coated with melted marshmallows, and candy coated chocolate pieces are swirled in also. It is all pressed to a bundt pan and we could call it"cake!" It is such a easy recipe to create, and it fun and joyous for summer!

You'll add the pan and the popcorn and stir fry till of the popcorn is coated with the melted marshmallow mix. It's a fantastic idea. You can move the mix if you are wanting to operate rapidly and that is going to hasten the procedure.

It is time After things have cooled down. I used red, blue and white in this recipe in expectation of merry, patriotic summer celebrations... but you can definitely use whatever colours you would like.

This bundt cake recipe is made of melted marshmallows, popcorn and chocolate candies.

Complete Time 24 minutes
Servings 10 parts


  1. 16 oz marshmallows
  2. Discretionary, sprinkles
  3. In a large pot, melt the butter. Add the marshmallows and stir to meltdown. After the mix is smooth, then add the popcorn and stir to coat. Let it cool down a little (or move to a huge bowl to hasten the cooling system ), then stir in the candy bits. You do not wish to bring the candy bits since you don't need to melt the chocolate once the mix is hot!
  4. Spray a bundt pan with non stick spray. Transfer the popcorn mix and press evenly into the pan. Let sit for a couple of minutes, then pop out on the cake and tap some sprinkles to the cake's cover. Let it sit till it business before cutting and serving.
  5. Cover leftovers with plastic wrap and then enjoy the next few days during.

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